April 2024

Busy month. Lot of train tickets ($$$) and train rides (yawn). On one public transportation vehicle, an old white man came to sit by me and asked the totally cliché question about the h-word. It was around midnight and I was tired and fed up. For someone who is allergic to any and all forms of confrontation, you can say I basically went off on him. Then on the train that same night a weird man kept talking about my hair and didn’t understand that I desperately did not want to talk to him or have him talk to me. He recognize me from another train ride from about a month ago. I miss the days when I didn’t have to go into the city.

January 2024/DCRecap


I guess in 2024 I’m continuing to force myself to write ‘write’ a post every month. What was the point of this? To practice “putting myself/my writing ‘out there’”, right?


For this month, it’s just going to be the Note I wrote on my phone to day of the DC march. (I know I can’t help myself, so any thoughts/commentary or clarification I’m adding now, after-the-fact will be in italics.

Again, no editing for grammar, etc. because I’m not getting paid for this shit.

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December 2023

For my whole life I’ve thought about how the world sees P@lestine. I’m considered ‘white passing’ or ‘ethnically ambiguous’ to white people, so I’ve lived like a ghost wading through America, seeing but not experiencing. I’ve sunken deep into the privilege that comes with living in America that I’ve obliged to the pressured to conform, to not disturb American comfort and silence. I’ve learned a painful lesson from not speaking up, even if I would have been literally the only one doing so. Now I see how the complacency of white supremacy had had its hold on me. I will never be silent again.

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October 2023

What a fucking month. What a fucking month that makes everything I ever wrote for these monthly posts seem extra inconsequential. It was a hard month to be… okay, I’m a bit paranoid, but I truly have a right to be. October 2023 has been fucking rough for P’s, and as a P-American I feel… well, it doesn’t matter how I feel. I’m one of the supremely lucky ones. I’ve been emotionally numb; that’s been my reaction to everything.

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September 2023

(More relevant as a mid-October post, but who’s keeping track)

When millennials were the youngest generation, we unknowingly created the ‘nostalgia industry’ (and later, Covid would bastardized it.) It was fun at first, but now it’s really annoying to see the actor of a side character of a show from your youth try to squeeze out all and any relevance. I was just fine with the occasional Google search to see what they’ve been up to whenever they happened to pop into my head. Now reunions and reboots are nothing special because the industry has caught on and exploited any feelings of nostalgia.

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